Ph.D. in Computer Science
Name of the Institution: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA.
Thesis Title: Identifying genetic variations in human genome.
Thesis Supervisors: Prof. Liqing Zhang.
M.S. in Computer Science
Name of the Institution: University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA.
Thesis Title: Investigating Gene Relationships in Microarray Expressions : Approaches Using Clustering Algorithms.
Thesis Supervisors: Prof. Zhong-Hui Duan.
Year of Completion: Summer 2013.
B.Sc.(Engg.) in Computer Science and Engineering
Name of the Institution: Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh.
Thesis Title: A Study on Reducing the Development Cost for Reusable Object Oriented Software.
Thesis Supervisor: Prof. K.M. Azharul Hasan.
Year of Completion: March 2008.